Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just Because

Other than my husband's dog, I am the only female in this house. It gets very annoying at times. I have been turned into a gamer (not entirely against my will). I endure smelly socks, stinky rooms, and conversations involving weapons that I never knew existed. I have gone from high heels to tennis shoes. I've gone from wearing make-up everyday, to praying that I find the best wrinkle cream I can on a budget. I've gone from long, pretty hair to a nest of some kind of grayed out hot mess. Manicures, pedicures, tanning.... they no longer happen for me. I'm only 34 and I probably look much older.

I'm not sure when or why this happened, but it did. I am now on a mission to be a beautiful wife and not so much an enslaved, worn out version of a soccer mom. Even soccer moms wear make-up.
Starting now,
they can launder their own smelly socks.
they can clean and febreeze their own stinky rooms.
they can wait for me to apply my make-up and fix my hair and pick out a pretty outfit.
they can figure things out on their own while I'm busy doing my nails.
they can kiss my butt if they don't like it, cuz I'm a girl, after all. and girls rule.

I would like to say a few thank you's to the things that have made this realization possible...
my keyboard. as i type i cringe at my nails.
my big fat bathroom mirror
my cheap dirty tennis shoes
last but not least, my coffee, which happens to be extra strong today =D

I feel better already... =P


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