Just Because

Other than my husband's dog, I am the only female in this house. It gets very annoying at times. I have been turned into a gamer (not entirely against my will). I endure smelly socks, stinky rooms, and conversations involving weapons that I never knew existed. I have gone from high heels to tennis shoes. I've gone from wearing make-up everyday, to praying that I find the best wrinkle cream I can on a budget. I've gone from long, pretty hair to a nest of some kind of grayed out hot mess. Manicures, pedicures, tanning.... they no longer happen for me. I'm only 34 and I probably look much older.

I'm not sure when or why this happened, but it did. I am now on a mission to be a beautiful wife and not so much an enslaved, worn out version of a soccer mom. Even soccer moms wear make-up.
Starting now,
they can launder their own smelly socks.
they can clean and febreeze their own stinky rooms.
they can wait for me to apply my make-up and fix my hair and pick out a pretty outfit.
they can figure things out on their own while I'm busy doing my nails.
they can kiss my butt if they don't like it, cuz I'm a girl, after all. and girls rule.

I would like to say a few thank you's to the things that have made this realization possible...
my keyboard. as i type i cringe at my nails.
my big fat bathroom mirror
my cheap dirty tennis shoes
last but not least, my coffee, which happens to be extra strong today =D

I feel better already... =P

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Ever Have One of These?

Ahhh "The Green Machine"

I always name my cars, it amuses me so. Well this car is now 13 years old. It was a green/blue metallic color that I'm sure was beautiful and classy 13 years ago. Now it is more like the color of primer, because that is all that is left. My driver side window refuses to go down, no matter hard i push the button and scream profanities and threaten and cry. Have you ever had to use pliers to turn your heater on? I have, not just any pliers though, no, no, only needle-nose ones will do. I don't really want to talk about the colony of ants that moved in when we lived in Alabama, or the fact that they got bigger just because we are now in Texas. They frighten me a little. I will, however, tell you about the tires and the games they like to play on me. Sometimes they like to be full to make me happy. Sometimes they are barely sitting on the rim because they somehow know we just ran out of toilet paper and I'm in a hurry. At least the leather is ok, if you don't mind showing off third-degree burns on the back of your legs in the summertime.

Ok, so maybe this has a little to do with my anxiety about driving. It still goes, however, so I'm gonna keep going with it :)

The traffic still sucks though, when you don't really know where you're going and especially when you are making a left turn and have to blink the blinker manually.... just sayin.

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